If you’ll indulge me, I had some thoughts today that I wanted to share with everyone.
First, my joining the group here was completely by accident, but a very pleasant one. I was walking my dog and I happened to see everyone. I always enjoyed line dancing but never actually joined a group. My second surprise was how wonderful and accepting everyone here is. Over time, I have gotten to know many of you and your kindness and support have enriched my life immensely. I felt very very blessed, and I can’t think of anyone who I would want to spend time with more than all of you.
I also wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to Brigette. She truly is amazing and makes everything “super duper easy!”. Brigette is kind, and gives so much of her self, and her time, for others. She’ll even change her own schedules so that people who wouldn’t normally be able to participate can do so. Brigette is also a wonderful teacher. She is patient with everyone and keeps everyone motivated to learn and grow. Everything about Brigette, I have witnessed up close, brings out the best in everyone.
Hi All,
If you’ll indulge me, I had some thoughts today that I wanted to share with everyone.
First, my joining the group here was completely by accident, but a very pleasant one. I was walking my dog and I happened to see everyone. I always enjoyed line dancing but never actually joined a group. My second surprise was how wonderful and accepting everyone here is. Over time, I have gotten to know many of you and your kindness and support have enriched my life immensely. I felt very very blessed, and I can’t think of anyone who I would want to spend time with more than all of you.
I also wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to Brigette. She truly is amazing and makes everything “super duper easy!”. Brigette is kind, and gives so much of her self, and her time, for others. She’ll even change her own schedules so that people who wouldn’t normally be able to participate can do so. Brigette is also a wonderful teacher. She is patient with everyone and keeps everyone motivated to learn and grow. Everything about Brigette, I have witnessed up close, brings out the best in everyone.
Thank you all so much.
All My Love,
Love the home page💃 made me look!💃